I think that irregardless of the country in which you live, you must examine your prospective employees very carefully. Background checks are so important. Always attempt to verify their academics by contacting universites or colleges, or ask for transcripts which is common in the US.
Always insist on drug testing and obtain several forms of verifiable identification. If a candidate or new employee raises the topic of religion, then have that employee document their concerns in writing.
What I have found is that many JW's are literally and honestly AFRAID to mention they are JW's until AFTER they are hired. If it was not something to be concerned about, ashamed of, afraid of, or something which will never affect the employer's operating hours, schedule, customer relations, then fine, keep it to yourself.
However, as a manager in the federal government AND a business owner with employees, I can tell you JW's make many mistakes and take alot for granted.
Over ten years ago, I operated a small business in which several JW's were employed. Do you know that when the "Memorial" date arrived, none, I mean NONE had even displayed the courtesy to request that time off? It was a fast food service business which thrived during evening hours.
Just because the owner was a JW it was somehow "understood". That's just one incident. I could relate a million. Will I ever hire a JW again? I don't know. If it was a mature, well adjusted, balanced person (like someone from any other religion or lack thereof), then I probably would-with the understanding that I do not expect religion to interfere (like I am interfering now) with normal operations.
Most JW's strive for humility, will not attempt to manuever for positions, or try to ingratiate themselves for advancement. However, there are always those few (I estimate about 25-40%) of JW's who take advantage.
You know, the ones who always had more food than necessary during the old assembly food service program. The ones who tried to make a living out of the Hall.
Those types are usually the counterparts of trailer-park trash and other loafers/freeloaders in the world.